I am a member of the Santa Barbara Rental Property Association (SBRPA) and by default the National Apartment Association (NAA). I don’t like getting involved in politics in relation to real estate, but it’s needed sometimes. I blame my anathema on my five-year stint on the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors Government Relations Committee. That title is as deadly as it sounds. Every meeting involved defense against never-ending onslaughts against real estate interests. It was depressing. I ended up doing another five plus years on the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors Statistical Review Committee. Oddly enough, service on this committee was much more uplifting! I did chair the committee for one term. I was the only chair who guaranteed that we would never go beyond the hour limit in our meetings!
The Covid-19 crises is in our face and the U.S. Congress and Senate and other state and local branches of government seem to be focusing a lot of energy in placing excessive burdens on multifamily property owners because of this crisis. Rent restrictions, eviction restrictions and moratoriums, even mandatory rent reductions in post crises unlawful detainer actions. There needs to be a more balanced, fair method in helping out than to single out providers of housing for such excessive and onerous treatment!
Please join me in petitioning members of Congress and Senate in a request to advocate for better measures rather than continue on the current track. Please take a minute to click this link and compose a brief statement of your relationship to the housing industry and sent it to our legislators. Locally this would be Representative Salud Carbajal, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Kamala Harris. Thank you!